Sponsor Licence

A Family-Owned Birmingham Restaurant Is Granted A Sponsor Licence

By Amer Zaman

on November 21, 2023

The Context

A popular family-owned restaurant sought Cranbrook Legal’s assistance to secure a Sponsor Licenc e. They aimed to hire skilled international chefs to enhance their menu with authentic dishes. However, they found the application process complex and daunting, especially as a small business unfamiliar with immigration regulations.

How We Assisted

The restaurant struggled with preparing extensive documentation, particularly proving their financial stability. The Home Office required detailed financial statements, but the restaurant’s records weren’t initially in the preferred format.

Cranbrook Legal therefore guided the client business through reorganising their financial documentation and worked with their accountant to create comprehensive business plans and financial forecasts.

Once all documentation was in order, we completed the online application, drafted legal representations, and confidently submitted the application.

The Outcome

After an eight-week review period, the restaurant received the great news: their s ponsor l icense was approved. This allowed them to hire talented international chefs, transforming their menu and attracting more customers with authentic culinary offerings.

How Can We Help You?

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I do not know what my immigration needs are and need to discuss my requirements.

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I know what my immigration needs are, so I would to discuss my case.

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